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the FAQ’s

Q. Why did you name your blog La Couturier? I think in French it’s either “le couturier” or “la couturière”?

A.  I actually am aware of my grammatical “error” (I do apologize to the French readers out there!); it was done intentionally – I try not to commit ignorant mistakes. First: why a French name? I’m obsessed with the French language; both written and spoken it sounds beautiful and sophisticated. I do hope & intend on improving in both areas one day. So now the story behind the name. I was doing a fair amount of research in my trusty French-English dictionary for a suitable name before starting up my blog oh, way back in July 2008. I had wanted to find a word that meant fashion designer, since that was what had initially gotten me so obsessed with fashion itself. Two words were present: le couturier, a masculine noun meaning “dress designer”, and la couturière, a feminine noun meaning “dressmaker”. Immediately it got me thinking, and perhaps I think too much. Why is it that a designer is a masculine, and a dressmaker or seamstress feminine? Of course you and I can go on about the connotations of the word and whatnot, & what it implies of both sexes. And thus, I settled for “La Couturier” – a creative phrase still retaining its meaning of “dress designer” whilst having a feminine notation. C’est fin!

Q. Why did you start this blog? & do you have future plans with La Couturier?

A. I think I started La Couturier on a whim. After spending a majority of my summer just reading through various fashion blogs (,’s blog – not the best, per say, but an inspiration), I fell in love with the way these bloggers behind the site lived fabulous lives and were able to influence people. I wanted to inspire – and voice my opinions on the current goings in fashion and the like. So why not, I thought. After all, I love to write and I love fashion. So two and two together equals my brainchild (haha), La Couturier.

Q. What are the things you wish you knew when you were starting your blog ?

A. I don’t think there was anything I necessarily wish I knew; one of the many reasons why I started La Couturier – apart from my hopes to somehow inspire – was to grow as an aspiring writer. I guess I could say that I wish I had already had a unique voice when I first began, but that’s the beauty of blogging over a year’s time. Through writing [nearly] weekly I was able to find a style I was comfortable with, and continue developing that voice. It’s changed immensely – visit the archives, you’ll have a laugh.

I suppose I also wish I knew about the immense amount of emails I would receive daily; I get about a hundred (which isn’t too impressive in the grand scheme of things, but still a lot to handle for me) a day from darling readers with sweet messages or advice about life/fashion/etc., public relation companies of shops & designers, etc. The amount of communication is almost surreal. Who knew that I would ever be able to forge so many relations with people? Who knew that I, a mere seventeen year girl with aspirations bigger than herself would get an email from Jimmy Choo and Donna Karan’s public relation representatives? It blows my mind, every single day.

Q. How old are you?

A. Currently 18 and legal as of April 5th, 2010!

Q. Where do you live?

A. In the ever-so-fabulous and exciting suburbia of New Jersey.

Q. I was reading your little bio under your C’est Moi section; why Elle magazine? Why not Vogue?

A. I’m not particularly sure as to when this division between the two magazines began. I just always liked the covers of Elle better; perhaps they attracted my teenage love for pink, silver, & lavender with their title color.  And the cover shoots were always edgier, much more fashion forward than American Vogue (every other Vogue, Paris, UK, Austrialia, Taiwan, etc. is beautiful & quite fascinating). Anna Wintour’s reign over US Vogue is hardly one of a creative genius; the layout is boring, the articles are bland, the shoots are just okay – nothing is exciting! Elle, on the other hand, has is anything but boring! (Prepare yourselves for a rant, darlings!) The organization flows smoothly; each photo is beautiful; every article written is witty and cheeky; the interviews are short & sweet & to the point; the introductions of newer designers are brilliant & full of information; the photoshoots are exceptionally edgy & fun. Although I do have one criticism: less celebrities – why not models & “it girls”? I’m a bit disappointed to see Jessica Simpson on the covers. Just a bit. All negativity aside, I absolutely love Joe Zee’s little column – it’s cheeky, a bit witty, and just fun to read. I do love the occasional featured articles in it as well! Oh, and perhaps because I am une petite francophile.

Q. What would your perfect day consist of, and why?

A. I love this question! Honestly, it depends on my mood. Sometimes all I feel like doing is listening to Michael Buble, curling up on my bed flipping through magazines or reading a great book, with a cup of hot chocolate avec a cinnamon stick as it snows outside. With, of course, my leopard print slippers. After finishing the book I’d bake some chocolate chip cookies, paint my nails, and just browse the internet for inspiration or for fun! On the other hand, another ideal day for me would consist of going to New York City with the girls, shopping and gabbing the entire way with an armful of overstuffed shopping bags. And later at night, spend the evening clubbing away, sipping yummy cocktails (virgin, by personal preference).

Q. Do you plan on pursuing a career in the fashion industry, and if so, what?

A. I definitely do dream of pursuing a career concerning fashion. I fully understand the difficulty of even entering the business; there is a lot of competition (millions of girls would kill for a job, a la The Devil Wears Prada), and vital connections may come into play. But whatever happens, happens – we all just need a bit of luck, no? But say I were to be one of those lucky girls, I would love to go the editorial route. I’d love to work my way up to becoming the director or fashion editor of a fabulous fashion magazine (Elle, anyone?). Being an occasional fashion contributor would be lovely too. I’ve also considered being a stylist. But becoming an editor or director of some sort in the fashion area is dream of mine.

Q. Your inspiration?

A. My list of inspiration rattles onward and forthward to no end. It’s infinitive, to say the least. Most of my inspiration is derived from everyday things: people I see, the music I listen to, the books I read. I’ll give a very brief synopsis (though my sidebar depicts my main sources): music, Carine Roitfeld, Julia Restoin-Roitfeld, Olivia Palermo, Rachel Zoe, Emma Watson, Leighton Meester, Jessica Stroup, Miroslava Duma, Dasha, Versace, Donna Karan, Gucci, Victoria Beckham, anything French, Paris Vogue, Elisa Sednaoui, etc. Numerous blogs/bloggers inspire me as well: Le Cheap C’est Chic, Fashion Toast, Le Flassh, Phosphene, Love More, Ellen Claesson, Living Doll, Zoella, Lisa Place, Le Blog de Betty, La Revue de Kenza, Belle Chantelle, La Coquette, Frieda Rose, to name a few.

Q. What are your other hobbies/passions, besides fashion & writing & art?

A. Dancing, definitely. History, philosophy, a bit of law (currently studying that in school), and literature, of course. Oh, and indulging in good food occasionally with little shopping excursions if I’ve been good.

Q. How & when did you learn to draw?

A. I started taking art classes when I was younger, but then altogether gave up on them when I was oh, eight or so? I simply found them boring. You had to sit there, and sketch step by step – hardly an enjoyable process; I do believe art should be spontaneous and fun. Let those creative juices flow! Perhaps that’s why my renditions of people or real life figures are anything but life-like. I do prefer watercolor and pastel over actually drawing. Doodling, collaging, lettering/calligraphy, the likes are personal preferences!

Q. What would wear on a typical day?

A. My high-waisted black bandage skirt, black patent, open-toed pumps (3 inches of pure comfort!), wide belt to cinch the waist, an off-the-shoulder, 3/4 sleeve semi-sheer blouse tucked in, a Swarovski lock-and-key pendant, a thin silver bangle, and a cocktail ring. It’s essentially my uniform.

Q. What is your favorite quote?

A. “There are too many things in the world which divide people, such as religion, politics, history, and nationalism. If culture is capable of anything, then it is finding that which unites us all. And there are so many things which unite people. It doesn’t matter who you are or who I am, if your tooth aches or mine, it’s still the same pain. Feelings are what link people together, because the word `love’ has the same meaning for everybody. Or `fear’, or `suffering’. We all fear the same way and the same things. And we all love in the same way. That’s why I tell about these things, because in all other things I immediately find division.” – Krzysztof Kieslowski (Polish director)

Q. If you could live in a novel, which one would it be?

A. Oh, how I love such fun, thought-provoking questions! I definitely think in any of the Wrinkle in Time series, inclusive of the ones about Poly. A teen fiction, yes, but so brilliantly constructed and written! I’d love to be one of the main characters and be able to travel the world – and beyond – and meet eclectic people whilst embarking on amazing adventures! Or Pride & Prejudice. I adore that time period – simplicity, and an appreciation for sophisticated beauty. Lizzie is, of course, my favorite character. I do relate to her innate stubborness in which her emotions rule her thoughts. I am the exact same way, for better or for worse.

Q. Who’s your celebrity crush?

A. James Franco. The epitome of all things beautiful. And I’m not ashamed to admit that I swoon every time I watch Tristan & Isolde.

For more Q&As: Part I & Part II.

29 Comments leave one →
  1. 7 January 2009 7:53 pm

    OK, now you gotta tell us how old you are! I’m 38. Spill.

  2. 8 January 2009 2:36 am

    loved your answers! and i completely forgot about tristan and isolde. franco was hot in it.

  3. 8 January 2009 2:46 am

    ahahah. I luvvv James Franco. I liked him as a bad boy in Spider Man. Don’t even get me started on those eyes…….and lips 😛 Ok going to bed now.

  4. 8 January 2009 3:11 am

    you are funny, sweetie!!!
    you do write sooo well!!!
    take care, darling! =)

  5. 8 January 2009 3:21 am

    Oh, I’m for designer bags, as well, sweetie. =)

  6. 8 January 2009 9:06 am

    It was so much fun reading this! You are so amazing! I love your perfect day and of course, bags over designer clothes! and now I know what lacouturiernyc means xD It is hard to spell though for my non-french skills ^^lol

  7. 10 January 2009 1:37 am

    I just enjoy reading your FAQ……good work!

  8. Eliz permalink
    16 January 2009 12:18 am

    are you 24?

  9. 17 January 2009 3:37 pm

    haha nope!

  10. Cristine permalink
    21 January 2009 12:04 pm

    Hum… Are you 22?

  11. kristine permalink
    22 January 2009 10:58 pm

    i’m with cristine on that one… i was thinking 22 or 24, but if 24’s off the list, 22’s my guess!!

  12. 26 January 2009 12:00 am

    I’m with you with using paint for collages, I’m basically computer illiterate!

  13. 12 February 2009 7:13 pm

    what an interesting read! i absolutely LOVE James Franco too, it all started with Tristan & Isolde! I believe I cried in front of my boyfriend’s two housemates (both boys, they were just in the living room eating dinner, had no idea what they were in for), how embarrasing!

  14. Cristine permalink
    15 April 2009 7:58 pm

    Ha! I kinda tought you might be 17…
    I’m 16…


  15. becs16 permalink
    18 April 2009 8:43 am

    Really fantastic blog! And now that I know you share my love for James Franco, well, that’s just awesome. 🙂 Absolutely adore him!

    xx, Becs

  16. Allie permalink
    19 May 2009 9:43 pm

    I am 21 and I was extremely impressed by your writing…. you sound a lot more mature and refined that a lot of 17 yr olds…. I’m amazed!, Good job!, I think I’ll become an avid reader!, please keep us updated!

  17. 21 June 2009 9:36 pm

    quick question: i believe you said it before, but who’s that in your header?

  18. Lizzie permalink
    29 July 2009 11:16 pm

    Oh! Maybe this is obvious, but if you love James Franco, you might like to see him in the series where he made his debut- Freaks and Geeks. It also happens to be probably the best American television series ever created. (Really.) Just heartbreaking and unbelievable. I recommend starting from the very first episode, each one gets better and better, til by the end its amazingness just about too much to bear. Of course, since it was excellent television, someone decided they better cancel the series, but I definitely recommend every episode they ever made.

  19. Kimberly Jung permalink
    24 January 2010 10:42 am

    Thank you and good luck in the pursuit of your dream career. I’m alittle older but I’ve been thinking about pursuing a fashion career. It just seems so much fun and seems that there is rarely a dull moment. It’s also nice to because you’re uplifting and inspiring other women which is such a good thing! I wish you the very best!!

  20. 28 February 2010 11:43 pm

    Are you going to make a post regarding the revised FAQ’s when they’re completed?
    It would be nice, I’m quite curious about what’s been asked?

    • 1 March 2010 7:31 am

      @Madeleine: Most definitely yes! I’m in the process of answering them right now; I just so happened to finish writing this one first (:

  21. Stephanie permalink
    15 October 2010 5:24 pm

    If you had to choose between the Mulberry Alexa bag and the Miu Miu bow bag which one do you like more. Which one would you consider a better buy or investment piece.


  1. it’s better late than never! « la couturier
  2. la couturier
  3. How to be a Blogger • A Bit Coquettish
  4. It's Better Late Than Never • A Bit Coquettish
  5. Things I Love • A Bit Coquettish
  6. You Think You Know Me, But You Have No Idea • A Bit Coquettish
  7. Questions & Answers, part II. • A Bit Coquettish

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